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Livestock Parasites : Environmental Impacts and Novel Solutions

Ballyvaughan Suite
Thursday, April 10, 2025
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM


The livestock parasitology session will commence with an invited speaker presentation by Dr. Philip Skuce, a Principal Scientist in Parasitology at the Moredun Research Institute in Scotland and the Sector Lead for Livestock for the SEFARI Gateway. Dr. Skuce will speak on environmental aspects of liver fluke infection in ruminants. This will be followed by offered papers covering a variety of parasites of economic importance; including recent advances in the quest to develop vaccines to combat ticks and liver fluke, the interaction between multispecies swards and gastrointestinal nematode infection in cattle and sheep and the significance of tick-borne fever in sheep.


Agenda Item Image
Dr Philip Skuce
Principal Scientist
Moredun Research Institute & SEFARI Gateway

Invited Speaker

Mr John Gilmore
Managing Director
Farmlab Diagnostics

The significance of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Irish sheep.

Dr Claire Reigate
Rothamsted Research

*STEVE BISHOP AWARD WINNER* Exploring the faecal microbiome of weaned lambs with high and low gastrointestinal nematode burden, grazing perrenial rye grass and mixed swards.

Miss Marie O'Rourke
PhD Student

No effect of multispecies swards on the host response to Ostertagia ostertagi in beef steers offered multispecies swards compared with perennial ryegrass white clover swards.


Orla Keane
