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The Latter Days of Being a Pig

Inishmaan Suite
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:45 PM


A focus on welfare and nitrogen in the growing and finishing pig stage


Dr Ramon Muns
Principal Scientific Officer (monogastric Unit)
Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI)

Reducing the environmental impact of pigs in their latter days

Ms Melissa Cupido
Phd Student
Teagasc Moorepark

Does space allowance and enrichment material influence the occurrence of tail biting outbreaks in pigs?

Dr Laura Boyle
Principal Research Officer
Teagasc Moorepark

One Welfare as a framework to develop fair and resilient livestock production systems for the future: example from outdoor pig farming

Miss Nicola Mitchell
Scientific Officer
Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), Hillsborough, Down, United Kingdom

Outdoor pig rearing on the Island of Ireland – does agroforestry improve pig health?

Prof. André De Almeida
School Of Agriculture, University Of Lisbon

Reducing Crude Protein contents with amino acid supplementation in finishing pigs: an economic assessment in male versus female heavy Duroc X (Landrace X Large White) crosses

Mr Izuchukwu Martin Aroh
Phd Student
Teagasc Moorepark

Variation and factors influencing ammonia concentrations levels in finishing pig facilities, Ireland.


Elizabeth Magowan
Head Of Sustainable Agri-food Sciences Division
Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI)
