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Cattle Behaviour & Welfare

Inishmaan Suite
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM


Sponsored by IGFA


This session presents a diverse range of papers relating to the behaviour and welfare of dairy calves and beef and dairy cattle with a major focus on effects of feeding and health


Miss Francesca Johansen
Research Officer
Teagasc Moorepark

*STEVE BISHOP AWARD WINNER* Welfare pens for dairy cows in automatic milking systems – a descriptive study

Dr Francesca Carnovale
Higher Scientific Officer (Sustainable Grassland Systems)
Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI)

Cow time budget: a novel method of data collation to support analysis of individual cow performance under pasture-based robotic milking systems

Mr John Cook
Technical Consultant
World Wide Sires

Associations between daily lying times, transition cow management and early lactation health outcomes in multiparous dairy cows

Ms Daria Baran
PhD Researcher
University Of Bristol

Social behaviour changes as a result of disease in dairy cows

Mr Afsal Ayoob Khan
Phd Student
Rothamsted Research

Analysing the impact of the temperature-humidity index on Beef cattle welfare across three different systems

Mrs Georgina Anna Wager-Jones
Phd Student And Data Scientist
Harper Adams University and Peacock Technology Ltd

A high-resolution analysis of feeding behaviours: do seconds matter in understanding feed intakes of beef heifers?

Miss Sinéad O'Callaghan
Phd Candidate
Queen's University Belfast

Feeding behaviour in Holstein cattle fed different milk allowances as calves

Ms. Luca van Dijk
Phd Student
Teagasc Moorepark

Feeding on the Moove: Assessing the effect of on-board feeding during long-distance road-ferry-road transport on the blood physiology of unweaned calves

Dr Francesca Carnovale
Higher Scientific Officer (Sustainable Grassland Systems)
Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI)

Animal welfare incidents that occur during and after transport to Australian export abattoirs: an evaluation of government reports


Laura Boyle
Principal Research Officer
Teagasc Moorepark
